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The hotel was created

The hotel was created thanks to Stardekk. An old mansion has been transformed into a true paradise for guests who want to enjoy the peace and quiet on the one hand and the hustle and bustle of the city on the other. Besides spending the night in one of the modern rooms, the hotel also has a restaurant where you can eat delicious food.

Daily luxury, heavenly comfort

Located in the legendary European capital Paris, near the Seine, is Hotel Cubilis. With a great view of the 'skyline' of Paris, hotel Cubilis already has one reason to visit . In addition, the hotel consists of luxurious rooms, each with the latest gadgets. Enjoy all facilities such as fitness, swimming pool, restaurant... Discover the historic city centre and enjoy the wonderful buildings and works of art of the city.

Great service doesn't come from the head. It comes from the heart.

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